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Septarian Nodules, Tumbling Rough, per lb

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Septarian Nodules were formed during the Cretaceous period, 50 to 70 million years ago when the Gulf of Mexico reached what is now Southern Utah. Decomposing sea life killed by volcanic eruptions had a chemical attraction for the sediment around them, forming mud balls. As the ocean receded, the balls were left to dry and crack. Septarian concretions or Septarian nodules, are concretions containing angular cavities or cracks, which are called "septaria." The cracks vary in shape and volume, as well as the degree of shrinkage they indicate. Over time, calcite seeped into the cracks and formed calcite crystals which grew to fill the cracks, the area between the calcite and the Bentonite transformed into aragonite which is the dark brown crystal layer. The mud was replaced with limestone.

Metaphysical Guide of Septarian Nodules:
Septarian Nodules are said to bring calming energies and can bring feelings of joy and spiritual uplifting. Septarian Nodules are used to enhance and nurture communication with groups, making it much easier to speak clearly and kindly in group settings.