Graveyard Point Mining Journal 2001
Journal from the Beverly Marie claim at Graveyard Point, Oregon
Thank you to the Boise Rock Club for your interest and visit to the mine.
- Fri May 25 -- Move house trailer to mining site, set up camp
- Tues May 29 -- The track loader breaks down -- trying to get repair parts (very old machine)
- Thurs May 31 -- The Caterpillar excavator is delivered to the site -- work begins -- see video below
- Wed June 6 -- about one ton of agate produced so far, hit a vein of gold and yellow plume agate
- Fri June 8 -- Rock club members visit mining site
- Sat June 9 -- hit pocket of fantastic angel wing - bright yellow, orange, and some red
- Sun June 10 -- digging in angel wing pocket, found a small side pocket with agate pseudomorhps after calcite
- Mon June 11 -- found a pocket full of round agate balls, possibly saginite not fully formed
- Tues June 12 -- Caterpillar excavator break-down caused by loose bolt, hydralic fluid squirts out everywhere, fixed by service team from Boise
- Wed June 13 -- opened a new area, found deposit of great agate with bright orange plumes with grayish background, and a little pink plume
- Fri June 15 -- Another rock club visits the site
- Sat June 16 -- Excavator breaks down again, works stops until repair team arrives Monday noon.
- Wed June 20 -- hit the top of a cave, can’'t see the bottom, walls lined with agate!
- Fri June 23 -- cave turns out to be disappointing, agate good on top and back wall, but not so good after going about 6 - 8 feet in.
- Sun June 24 -- 20 people from a rock club visit the mine
- Mon June 25 -- new pit shows promise of pink plume for next year’s operation
- Wed June 27 -- prepare to shut down operation, begin reclamation of mine site
- Fri June 29 -- smoothing off tops of hills, repair roads