Gallery: Morrisonite

Morrisonite has been a sought after lapidary material since the 1950’s. What type of gem stone is it? Some say it is a form of jasper, and others call it a jasp-agate... if there is such a stone. It has even been classified as jade, perhaps because occasionally solid green specimens are found. Those who have sawed and polished the material are inclined to disagree and are content to call it Morrisonite.  Morrisonite is confined to one small area in eastern Oregon near the OwyheeRiver.  

Read Gene’s blog on the History of Morrisonite to learn more about Morrisonite.

Be sure to check out our Morrisonite Specimens for sale.

To find out more information about each specimen click on the "i" in the upper left corner of the picture.