My Crystal Guide
Author: Philip Permutt & Nicci Roscoe
Children love the beauty of crystals, and crystal energies can help make things better for them at school, at home, and at play. My Crystal Guide explores crystals from a child's view--what crystals and minerals are and how to choose and work with the crystals you need--as well as introducing an understanding of crystal energies and crystal healing. Fun exercises to try are included throughout, along with simple crystal meditations. The Children's Crystal Finder includes 101 commonly available crystals and minerals with clear photographs and each crystal's healing qualities relevant to children, while the Crystal Solutions chapter suggests how to help with all types of problems that children may encounter, from illness and loss to bullying and exams. Created with children in mind, My Crystal Guide includes guidance and practical exercises for parents and carers, but it is written for children to follow and understand.
128 pages
Suggested age range 7 - 11